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Showing posts from December, 2008

Caution: May contain disclaimers

Just saw this advert on Facebook. Red line added by me.


Went to the Chinese takeaway the other night. It wasn't usual chap. Managed Ok , asking for number 45, etc. Then he looks straight at me and says something totally incomprehensible. I indicate I didn't get it. So he repeats I still haven't got it. He tries again Oh, I think he's asking if I'm all ready for Christmas? So I lie and say "Yes" "You have problem hearing?" he continues. I ponder telling "No" but it seems more diplomatic to answer "Sometimes"

Not Mourning Woolworths

So, Woolworths is going down the tubes. I'm only surprised that it's taken so long. I mean, what is the modern Woolworths for ? Years ago, they sold "everything". You needed a replacement bulb for a table lamp, an egg poacher, a ball of string - just about anything and you went to Woolies and they'd usually got one. The modern Woolworths is full of rubbish you don't want - except perhaps chocolate. Fortunately, there's competition - "Wilkinsons". This is a chain of shops that's a bit like Woolies used to be. They have a reasonably complete range of kitchen stuff, garden stuff (seasonal), stationery, DIY car accessories and chocolate. They even have a replacement cast iron coal fire grate! Ok, I admit - I don't want a fire grate but hey, next time I do need something mundane an ordinary, they're the first place I'll try. Link Wilkinson web site - rather ordinary - don't be put off