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Showing posts from January, 2011

Card security sucks

Got a replacement credit card recently. Using the contents of the single postal package and two very easily obtainable pieces of information about me, I managed to activate it, view my PIN and change my statement delivery to paperless. Fortunately, I am me. Had that post gone astray, it would have been too easy for someone to have run up a large bill!

A Digression

I was thinking today about the Thursday Market in town and how it has changed over the years. It used to be by the gasworks and a blind man could find that for the same reason as he could find the brewery - though neither establishment thought to offer a factory outlet and make a profit from their commitment to diversity. Of course, the market used to be much larger and largely taken up with men selling complete dinner-services on the "I'm not asking you to pay £10, I'm not asking £5, ladies and gentlemen, who will offer me £2 10s?" system. There was a "Temperance" cafĂ© - where "temperance" actually meant "abstinence" - see we had "spin" even before decimal coinage! The posters on the wall explained how animals only drank water - which I knew to be lie because our dog enjoyed Guinness when he could get it. But then, I digress….