My mask Went to the Ceroc Xmas Masquerade Ball last night. The party shop in town had a wide selection of masks, I could go as the Queen or other "Celebrity". Not having a TV, I didn't recognise 90% of the many faces on offer. In the end settled for a "burglar" mask. I must say, I doubt if any real burglar uses this design - it narrows your field of view considerably. For the professional burglar, this could mean missing nice nickable things. For me, it meant lack of peripheral vision which is pretty vital on a crowded dance floor. The other thing I learnt was that it's a pretty poor disguise. Lots of people recognised me easily including Diana and I recognised her too. Diana Interestingly, There were a few friends I had considerable difficulty recognising. Afterwards I started wondering if this was something particular about them or just effective mask design? Maybe it's the masks - there was one lady who clearly knew me but I neve...