Most of you probably know this one. Your mobile beeps and you've got a text about compensation for an accident you were in. Or that you were mis-sold PPI. But I haven't been in an accident since I went base over apex on the dance floor some years ago at Bromyard (very dramatic, huge crash, but no damage to me). And I could tell at a glance that PPI was a rip-off. How do they get our numbers? A junk text from Optical Express to my work and personal mobiles got me investigating. A Google for "Optical Express" spam got about 125,000 results. A lot of people have received spam from them by text or email. I'm very careful about giving out my contact details so I decided to ask them where they'd got my numbers from. They answered: We employ the services of third party marketing companies who send out email and SMS communications on our behalf to their own database where contact information has been collated from a form you may have completed online. This wo...