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Showing posts from August, 2013

Yes, Mr Duncan Smith

“Well, Bernard” said Sir Humphrey, “how are you getting on with your new Minister?” “Oh, Iain's OK but some of his policy ideas are a bit strange” “A minister with policy ideas? Extraordinary!” “Yes, he's had another idea to give benefit claimants an incentive to get into work” Sir Humphrey shuddered “After the row he had when he claimed the benefit cap had incentivised 8000 claimants to go out and get a job?” “Yes, and despite the roasting he got from the Chair of the UK Statistics Authority for it” “As I remember, I suggested you persuade him to talk about liars, damn liars and statisticians but you let him go all religious and say he believes he's right” “I know, Sir Humphrey, I know!” “So what is this latest idea?” “Well, it's a bit of partnership working with the MOD” “No Bernard! No, no, no! The army does not want the reintroduction of National Service, especially if it involves the unwashed and the unemployed!” “I know that's a h...

Recovering from Plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a pain in the heel that is typically worst first thing in the morning. This is my story of continuing recovery. I am not medically qualified and if you suspect you have Plantar fasciitis, get a doctor or physiotherapist to check and follow their advice. For standard information, try this Wikipedia article and for evidence-based advice, try the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence article So, I "caught" Plantar fasciitis at the Chippenham Folk Festival at the end of May. I did a lot of vigorous ceilidh dancing mainly on a "wood" floor that probably had concrete a few mm down. By the time I got home, walking was extremely painful. I had already booked for two festivals in August so I needed to fix things fast. I have largely succeeded. Here's what I tried, my thinking and observations: I stopped walking 4km a day to work and drove. In fact I became a total couch potato.This was intended to reduce further damage and pain ...