It's commonly alleged that Iain Duncan Smith is evil - you can even find a website pointing out that he looks like Fritz Sauckel who organised slave labour for Nazi Germany but I've worked out why he does what he does. No, it's not particularly that he's a member of the Conservative Party or that he's stupid or out of touch. The truth is that he has an "elephant in the room". As I've pointed out before , there are around 2.5 million unemployed but only 0.5 million vacancies. He must know that so why does he continue to "support" the unemployed with a plethora of schemes? I got the answer listening to Graham Hoyle who used to be Chief Executive of the Association of Employment & Learning Providers ( Video ). He picks up on the economy and the jobs market mismatch and how not everyone can have a job. Very crudely, there could to a be a policy that says who gets the 0.5 million jobs and leaves 2.0 million on the dole. To ...