Should you try to assemble IKEA furniture? The answer to that depends on your skills, your psychology and frankly, how much time you have got. Although some of their products such as the Kallax shelving are fairly straightforward and quick, assembling a Pax wardrobe or a Hemnes bed is much more challenging. Tiny details matter! You need to be something of a detective with a focus on details. Here's an example from the Hasvik sliding doors. The instructions (that contain no words) show you a picture like this: Looks simple, you need screw in a screw number 110438 but none of the screws or their packaging are so labelled but you do have some medium sized screws like these two: With both screws side by side, it's obvious that the one on the right has a ledge around the circumference of the head which makes it more like the drawing than the one on the left. Of course, initially, you might only find the screws like on the left and start using them as they look close enou...