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Showing posts from February, 2022

Covid Recovery: Oxfolk Ceilidh at Kennington, Oxford, 12 February 2022

In 2019 and for over 30 years before, similar dances have been offered once a month on a Saturday night during except during summer. This was the second scheduled event this winter although the first in January was cancelled. In years gone by, entry was usually by cash on the door and numbers could go over 100 although occasionally they were much lower. This event was limited to 80  tickets bought online in advance. All 80 tickets were sold and I know at least two people who missed out.  Quite a few of the dancers were people who would have been there in 2019 but there were a lot of first timers - and that wouldn't have been so unusual prior to the pandemic. The organisers were keen to be "Covid-safe",  all stewards were masked-up and there was guidance on the website: Covid-19 Safety Guidance We know that we need to keep everyone who wants to come to our dances as safe as possible. Our safety guidance for everyone attending is this: If you have Covid symptoms please don’...