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Take your partners...

As I surveyed the dance floor, I began to wonder if my 90-mile journey had been worth it. On the plus side, The Committee Band were on stage - one of the finest dance bands around (and I don't often get an opportunity to use "committee" and "finest" in the same sentence).

On the minus side, who was I going to dance with? I couldn't see any of the "usual suspects". Loads of unfamiliar faces.

Then I remembered - I knew how to crack this!

I lowered my eyes and started watching the feet.

There was a lot of fast walking going on. Not good. Other feet were dancing but to a different beat. Then I saw her feet. Dancing right on every beat.

Without hesitation, I moved forward….


Anonymous said…
you must introduce me sometime, it is rarely I get to meet someone who manages every beat. I could learn a lot.
