I started worrying about my bank. The place I get cash for immediate necessities like beer and dancing. Suppose they went down? No problem! The government compensation scheme will sort it out! Then I wondered just how quickly it would operate - If the bank crashed on Wednesday, would they make it so I still have cash to drink on Thursday and go dancing on Saturday?
I don't think so.
What finally got me moving was seeing a small queue outside a local bank. Maybe it was because the door had got stuck but it was enough.
So I dusted off some dormant accounts and checked their parentage with Wikipedia. Fortunately, some of them come from completely different banking groups. So I've transferred a lump of cash into them.
Then I looked up my main credit card. Fortunately, it comes from yet another group.
I don't think so.
What finally got me moving was seeing a small queue outside a local bank. Maybe it was because the door had got stuck but it was enough.
So I dusted off some dormant accounts and checked their parentage with Wikipedia. Fortunately, some of them come from completely different banking groups. So I've transferred a lump of cash into them.
Then I looked up my main credit card. Fortunately, it comes from yet another group.
Paranoid? Just think about how far an Icelandic credit card goes today.