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The Oca Harvest is in!

It wasn't raining for a change so I took a fork to the Oxalis tuberosa and dug it up. Underneath were the Oca tubers. A quick rinse got the soil off the waxy skin and I sunk my teeth in. Crunchy. Sharp. I know it's gardening/culinary cliché but they really are "nutty". Brazil nutty.

Above: The plant in summer

Growing and eating ocas
Plants For a Future page about Oca
Realseeds - suplier


IAP said…
By the size of the tubers, I'm guessing you harvested a bit early. It makes a huge difference if you wait about 3-4 weeks after the plants have been (apparently) killed by frost. An average of 1kg per plant is quite achievable if your killing frost comes late enough - in the South, or an urban environment.
A whole blog about growing Oca in the UK here: