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Giving the tomato seedlings a good chance

I've been reading up on tomato growing. I start pots of  compost and seeds indoors. Then I transfer to my "green shed" - a shed with a transparent roof and a high shelf for the plants. I maximise the light with carefully placed pieces of aluminum foil and today, I've set up a solar-powered fan.
You may be wondering "why the fan"? It's because:
  • There's not much air circulation in the shed and I've found some work that suggests that CO2 levels decreases on a sunny day due to photosynthesis. So some forced ventilation helps photosynthesis.
  • There's also a theory that it encourages the seelings to have short and stout stems. I've not tracked down solid evidence for this but as my plants always seem skinny, I thought it was worth a try.
You may also be wondering why "solar"? Simple - I'm too lazy to put a mains electricity supply in the shed. Also, you can buy solar fans like the one in the picture off Ebay for about £5 :-)
