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Sidmouth: The Cream Tea Workshops

As well as the dancing at Folk Week there's a lot of Cream Teas on offer. Since the doc has given me anti-cholesterol tablets, I splurged out on four!
At the Clock Tower, Connaught Gardens

New for this year was "Trumps". The establishment started out as a traditional old-fashioned grocer - wood paneling, cheese counter, wines and spirits to the gentry, etc. In recent years, it sprouted a tea shop in one corner and this has now expanded to around 2/3rd of the floor area. So together with a lady inspector, I tried it
There was a good quantity of jam and the scones didn't crumble as you spread the cream. Pricing was under £4 a head which is at the lower end.

However, the star, as usual was the Clock Tower at Connaught Gardens. As well as a good standard cream tea, it's a place that takes cakes seriously too. Just feast your eyes on this cake in the chiller! (An advantage of modern tablet computers is that you can wipe off the drool so much easier than with a conventional keyboard)

Here's a nice view of their offerings. I selected the nice healthy carrot cake while fellow inspectors went for lemon meringue and standard cream tea. 

A hint of the superb location
