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Wetherspoons: Fail

So I got to the head of the queue at Wetherspoon's and tried to place my food and drink order, "Table number?" asked the barman. "Oh, I haven't got one yet" I explained. "I can't take an order if I don't know where the food is going to go"

I looked round the busy pub, briefly contemplated finding a table upstairs somewhere, determining its number, coming down, queuing again, placing my order and hoping the table would still be vacant when I went back.

"I'm sorry", I said, "I'm in the wrong place" and left.


Anonymous said…
I don't get it. You fail to understand how ordering food is supposed to work, and somehow that's someone else's fault? Fail indeed.
Anonymous said…
If a pub has a novel way of ordering food and fails to make it clear to a new customer causing them to go away without buying, that's a business fail.