Down at the Virulent Arms, the viruses are gathered for Saturday
evening drinks when in walks COVID-19. There’s a sudden hush, broken only by a
sarcastic cough from the Chief Virus.
“What have you been doing lately young virus?” She asks,
“Quite a lot!” says COVID-19, “I started in China, moved on
to Italy, tomorrow, the World! I’m having a great time spreading everywhere!”
“I hear you’ve been killing a lot of humans?”
COVID-19 looked a little embarrassed. “Well, yes, I know
that’s not a good idea because I don’t spread from a dead body but despite that, I’m spreading really fast so
it doesn’t matter!
The Chief Virus sighed. “Changing the subject completely,
have you seen your Uncle Smallpox lately?”
“No, I heard he’d got stuck in a vault somewhere and isn’t
in the wild anymore?”
“And why did the humans do that to him?”
“Well, he killed a lot of them and some bloke called Jenner
invented vaccination and they ganged up and … Oh dear!”
“Exactly you silly little chump!” shouted the Chief Virus, “Now
put down that drink and go out and mutate into something harmless before those
pesky humans get so annoyed they come after all of us with some super-duper
generic anti-viral!“